The Use of Propane

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Since propane is heavier than air and invisible, it is a special concern when it is used on the job-site.

All installations and use of this product on the job-site must comply with the Government Legislation set out for its safe use.

Suppliers delivering the product or setting up the equipment at the site must be part of the safe work practice.

1. Nylon slings must be used in an “choker” fashion when loading, off-loading or lifting propane tanks.

2. “Lifting lugs” provided on tanks are not to be used. Slings are to be wrapped around the shell of the tank.

3. Tank valves and regulators are to be removed from the tank prior to any movement of the tank.

4. Crane hooks shall be equipped with a “safety latch”.

5. All trucks, cranes or equipment used to handle propane tanks must be equipped with a fire extinguisher appropriate for the size and type of tank being handled.

6. Except in an emergency, any movement or repositioning of tanks shall be performed by a competent worker.

7. Tanks are not to be heated to increase flow.

8. When in use, propane bottles are to be securely held in an upright position.

9. Tanks are not to be hooked up and used without proper regulators.

For further information see the appropriate current Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

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